

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.




Design patterns are solutions to recurring problems; guidelines on how to tackle certain problems. They are not classes, packages or libraries that you can plug into your application and wait for the magic to happen. These are, rather, guidelines on how to tackle certain problems in certain situations.


Design patterns are solutions to recurring problems; guidelines on how to tackle certain problems


Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are like pre-made blueprints that you can customize to solve a recurring design problem in your code.



Patterns are often confused with algorithms, because both concepts describe typical solutions to some known problems. While an algorithm always defines a clear set of actions that can achieve some goal, a pattern is a more high-level description of a solution. The code of the same pattern applied to two different programs may be different.


An analogy to an algorithm is a cooking recipe: both have clear steps to achieve a goal. On the other hand, a pattern is more like a blueprint: you can see what the result and its features are, but the exact order of implementation is up to you.



  • Intent of the pattern briefly describes both the problem and the solution.


  • Motivation further explains the problem and the solution the pattern makes possible.


  • Structure of classes shows each part of the pattern and how they are related.


  • Code example in one of the popular programming languages makes it easier to grasp the idea behind the pattern.



1、开闭原则(Open Close Principle)


2、里氏代换原则(Liskov Substitution Principle)

里氏代换原则是面向对象设计的基本原则之一。 里氏代换原则中说,任何基类可以出现的地方,子类一定可以出现。LSP 是继承复用的基石,只有当派生类可以替换掉基类,且软件单位的功能不受到影响时,基类才能真正被复用,而派生类也能够在基类的基础上增加新的行为。里氏代换原则是对开闭原则的补充。实现开闭原则的关键步骤就是抽象化,而基类与子类的继承关系就是抽象化的具体实现,所以里氏代换原则是对实现抽象化的具体步骤的规范。

3、依赖倒转原则(Dependence Inversion Principle)


4、接口隔离原则(Interface Segregation Principle)


5、迪米特法则,又称最少知道原则(Demeter Principle)


6、合成复用原则(Composite Reuse Principle)


history of patterns


Who invented patterns? That’s a good, but not a very accurate, question. Design patterns aren’t obscure, sophisticated concepts—quite the opposite. Patterns are typical solutions to common problems in object-oriented design. When a solution gets repeated over and over in various projects, someone eventually puts a name to it and describes the solution in detail. That’s basically how a pattern gets discovered.


The concept of patterns was first described by Christopher Alexander in A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. The book describes a “language” for designing the urban environment. The units of this language are patterns. They may describe how high windows should be, how many levels a building should have, how large green areas in a neighborhood are supposed to be, and so on.

模式的概念最早是由克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)在《模式语言:城镇、建筑物、建筑》一书中描述的。该书描述了一种设计城市环境的“语言”。这种语言的单位是模式。他们可能会描述窗户应该有多高,建筑物应该有多少层,社区中的绿地应该有多大,等等。

The idea was picked up by four authors: Erich Gamma, John Vlissides, Ralph Johnson, and Richard Helm. In 1994, they published Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, in which they applied the concept of design patterns to programming. The book featured 23 patterns solving various problems of object-oriented design and became a best-seller very quickly. Due to its lengthy name, people started to call it “the book by the gang of four” which was soon shortened to simply “the GoF book”.

这个想法被四位作者采纳:Erich Gamma、John Vlissides、Ralph Johnson 和 Richard Helm。1994 年,他们出版了《设计模式:可重用面向对象软件的元素》,其中他们将设计模式的概念应用于编程。这本书收录了 23 种模式,解决了面向对象设计的各种问题,并很快成为畅销书。由于它的名字很长,人们开始称它为“四人帮的书”,很快就被简称为“GoF书”。

Since then, dozens of other object-oriented patterns have been discovered. The “pattern approach” became very popular in other programming fields, so lots of other patterns now exist outside of object-oriented design as well.



  • Creational patterns provide object creation mechanisms that increase flexibility and reuse of existing code.


  • Structural patterns explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures, while keeping these structures flexible and efficient.


  • Behavioral patterns take care of effective communication and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.


序号 模式 & 描述 包括
1 创建型模式 这些设计模式提供了一种在创建对象的同时隐藏创建逻辑的方式,
而不是使用 new 运算符直接实例化对象。这使得程序在判断针对某个给定实例需要创建哪些对象时更加灵活。
工厂模式(Factory Pattern)
抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)
单例模式(Singleton Pattern)
建造者模式(Builder Pattern)
原型模式(Prototype Pattern)
2 结构型模式 这些模式关注对象之间的组合和关系,
适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)
桥接模式(Bridge Pattern)
过滤器模式(Filter、Criteria Pattern)
组合模式(Composite Pattern)
装饰器模式(Decorator Pattern)
外观模式(Facade Pattern)
享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)
代理模式(Proxy Pattern)
3 行为型模式 这些模式关注对象之间的通信和交互,
责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)
命令模式(Command Pattern)
解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern)
迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)
中介者模式(Mediator Pattern)
备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)
观察者模式(Observer Pattern)
状态模式(State Pattern)
空对象模式(Null Object Pattern)
策略模式(Strategy Pattern)
模板模式(Template Pattern)
访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)
4 J2EE 模式 这些设计模式特别关注表示层。
这些模式是由 Sun Java Center 鉴定的。
MVC 模式(MVC Pattern)
业务代表模式(Business Delegate Pattern)
组合实体模式(Composite Entity Pattern)数据访问对象模式(Data Access Object Pattern)
前端控制器模式(Front Controller Pattern)
拦截过滤器模式(Intercepting Filter Pattern)
服务定位器模式(Service Locator Pattern)
传输对象模式(Transfer Object Pattern)